1. Prepare

Setup the go development environment: Getting Started.

2. Get the source code

Create directory for the source code:

mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/vminko.org
cd ${GOPATH}/src/vminko.org

Clone the git repository:

git clone git://vminko.org/dscuss

If you want to get the proof-of-concept version (which is more or less stable), then also execute the following command:

git reset --hard proof-of-concept

Get the dependencies:

    go get github.com/abiosoft/ishell \
           github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 \
           github.com/nictuku/dht \

3. Create executable files

cd ${GOPATH}/src/vminko.org/dscuss

Compile the CLI program:

go build -o dscuss-cli cmd/dscuss-cli/main.go

Compile the Web service:

go build -o dscuss-web cmd/dscuss-web/main.go

4. Register new user

Each Dscuss node must be associated with a user. So first of all you need to register a new user. In order to do this, start the CLI program. The web UI does not provide registration yet.

$ ./dscuss-cli
Starting Dscuss...
Welcome to Dscuss.

Register new user using reg command. This will take few hours on the first production release (each user must calculate proof-of-work), The development version has much lower proof-of-work requirements and registering new user takes just few seconds.

> reg
Nickname: adam
Enter some additional info: I'm the first Dscuss user. Send your PM to adam@paradise.
Enter list of topics you are interested in. Each topic is a set of comma separated tags. and end with 'DSC': 
Registering new user. Do not interrupt the process.
Otherwise you'll have to remove the user directory manually.
User registered successfully.
Edit /home/user/.dscuss/addresses.txt in your favorite editor if you want to customize peer addresses.

It's recommended for new users to subscribe to p2p,dscuss,devel topic in order to establish connection with the special development user (named bootstrap).

5. Login to the network

> login adam

Check connections with other peers. In case you have subscribed to p2p,dscuss,devel, you should have at least one connection (with the bootstrap peer).

> lspeers full
There is one connected peer:
Nickname:             bootstrap
ID:                   qWvEotv4WBsFNFJa2LN/XMsPaGT7uNSVvNU+KEb0nnE=
Subscriptions:        dscuss,devel
State:                Idle

6. Using the CLI

Dscuss has full featured command-line interface. It's mostly meant for autotesting and debugging. If you prefer a user-friendly interface, try the Web UI.

To get familiar with all available commands run the help command:

  addmdr        <id>, make user <id> a moderator
  ban           <id> <reason>, ban user <id> because of <reason>
  clear         clear the screen
  exit          exit the program
  help          display help
  login         <nickname>, login as user <nickname>
  logout        logout from the network
  lsboard       [topic], list a particular topic or all threads on the board
  lshist        list history of users
  lsmdr         list the current user's moderators
  lsop          (user|msg) <id>, list operations on user or message <id>
  lspeers       list connected peers
  lssubs        list the current user's subscriptions
  lsthread      <id>, display a particular thread
  mkreply       <id>, publish a new reply to message <id>
  mkthread      start a new thread
  reg           register new user
  rmmdr         <id>, remove user <id> from the list of moderators
  rmmsg         <id> <reason>, remove message <id> because of <reason>
  sub           <topic>. subscribe to <topic>
  unsub         <topic>, unsubscribe from <topic>
  ver           display versions of Dscuss and the CLI
  whoami        display nickname of the current user

7. Using the Web UI

To start the web service, you must specify the peer's user and the password to protect access to the Web UI. For example:

./dscuss-web -user adam -password qwerty

After that you can view the web interface in the browser as a guest user or Login as the owner of the peer.