This is the personal web site of Vitaly Minko.
I publish here my personal projects (please see the links below), my
photos and other information I consider interesting.
Blog /
I publish here my notes on IT-related topics, mainly concerning free software. Most of them describe how to solve various problems, which I have encountered personally.
Dscuss - P2P network for public discussions /
Traditional systems for public discussion (like Internet forums) do not provide equal rights to all users. Owners of the resource and moderators always possess extended rights. Sometimes these rights can be abused, which eventually can split the community of the resource and lead to its degeneration. As a solution to this problem we present Dscuss. It’s a peer-to-peer network for public discussions, which provides equal rights to all members of the community.
Gentoo manuals /
Here are my installation/configuration manuals of the Gentoo distribution of GNU/Linux operating system for various mobile computers: ThinkPad X200, Zaurus C1000 and Pandora.

My patchwork
This is a collection of my free software patches. Each patch is accompanied by a short description and related links to external resources, if any.
F5er user's manual
F5er is a daemon, which allows user to receive notifications about changes in web pages, which do not offer a built-in RSS support. On a user's request, it downloads a predefined web page, extracts target information from the web page content and generates an RSS feed on the basis of the content.
P2P network for finding spare URLs.
RDM user's manual
RDM is an alternative deathmatch gametype for Warsow. The only distinction from the default deathmatch is that the score is measured not by frags, but by a numeric equivalent of the beauty of the shots.
One Thumb Keyboard
This article describes how to make a DIY tiny USB keyboard for tablets. user's manual is a minimalistic web content management system with command line administration interface. This document talks about what is, the problem being solved by and describes how to use it without going into implementation details.